
Posts tagged: aged care courses
Finished school? Consider a career in aged care

Finished school? Consider a career in aged care

Friday, January 21, 2022

Choosing a career path can be tricky and many young people really aren’t sure what field they want to work in. If you recently finished high school, or you’re a few years into your working life, a career in aged care may not be the first option that pops into your mind. In fact, people […]

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Certificate III minimum qualification for aged care: Royal Commission

Certificate III minimum qualification for aged care: Royal Commission

Monday, August 16, 2021

In 2018 the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety launched, aiming to review the standard of aged care services in Australia. Following its completion, a final report was released outlining a range of assessments and recommendations. In fact, 148 recommendations have been handed down with the goal of reforming and improving the aged […]

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Enter aged care for more than just a job

Enter aged care for more than just a job

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

We spend a lot of time in the workplace over the course of our lives. For the average person, around a third of their life is spent at work. This figure is likely to vary between people and individual circumstances, but it’s fair to say most people are at work quite a bit. With such […]

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Enhancing aged care staff recruitment

Enhancing aged care staff recruitment

Thursday, June 17, 2021

The demand for aged care services across Australia continues to grow, and so too the need for quality staff to support the sector. It’s no secret that Australia’s population is ageing. In fact, the Aged Care Royal Commission Final Report summary projects that the number of Australians aged 85 years and over will increase from 515,700 […]

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Tax time savings for learners

Tax time savings for learners

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Did you know that students can be eligible to make study-related expense claims at tax time? With the end of financial year for the 2020/21 period nearly here, now is the time to make sure you know what’s what when it comes to tax savings and your studies. On top of deductions related to your […]

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Dementia advocacy in aged care

Dementia advocacy in aged care

Monday, May 31, 2021

Living with dementia is a reality for an estimated half a million Australians. While the exact number of people with dementia is unknown, what we do know is that the impact is far-reaching for those who have it and their families. According to Dementia Australia, around 250 people are being diagnosed with dementia each day […]

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Returning to study

Returning to study

Monday, May 17, 2021

There’s so much to gain from returning to studying, but when you haven’t studied for a while, the thought of undertaking a course might make you feel a little nervous. You may be worried about getting into the swing of study life, or that you will be older than other students. Choosing to enrol in […]

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Choosing a quality training provider: it’s vital

Choosing a quality training provider: it’s vital

Friday, April 30, 2021

Having a highly skilled team for your aged care workplace is essential. After all, your employees are the lifeblood of your organisation. The better their training, the better your aged care business runs. When it comes to providing your team with training opportunities, whether it’s to refresh their knowledge and ensure best practice, or to […]

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The ultimate guide to a career in aged care

The ultimate guide to a career in aged care

Sunday, April 18, 2021

If you’ve always dreamed of a meaningful working life, one that allows you to empower people every day, to be of service…look no further than aged care. The aged care sector needs dedicated individuals to help shape the future of care and look after elderly citizens with the compassion and respect that they deserve. Stay […]

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