
National Reconciliation Week: Respect and connection in aged care

National Reconciliation Week: Respect and connection in aged care

RCH News

National Reconciliation Week takes place 27 May until 3 June and is an important time for us all to learn and reflect on our shared history as Australians. It marks the successful referendum in 1967 that paved the way for laws protecting the rights of Aboriginal people as equal members of the community, and the […]

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Staying connected with the elderly

Staying connected with the elderly

RCH News

During our current coronavirus global crisis, supporting the elderly in staying connected is more crucial than ever as loneliness and isolation can create their own set of risks for health. As social distancing restrictions have been updated, paying a visit to the seniors in your life is now an option. Appropriate distancing is still recommended, […]

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Supporting mental wellbeing for elderly

Supporting mental wellbeing for elderly

RCH News

Loneliness and isolation are areas of concern for older Australians’ mental wellbeing at the best of times. As many of us try to do the right thing and keep our distance to keep one another safe, we also need to find ways in which to support the mental wellbeing of the elderly individuals in our […]

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Working from home: Tips for wellbeing

Working from home: Tips for wellbeing

RCH News

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many changes in the way we approach life while we work to manage the impact of this virus. The shift to working from home has been significant, and while it may have been the dream for some, it is suddenly the norm for many. Working from home brings with […]

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